Published on
June 5, 2024
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Awareness and strategic alignment on the value of data for Agoria

Awareness and strategic alignment on the value of data for Agoria
Elien Averhals
Elien Averhals
Head of Marketing

Data insights bring efficiency and personalization

Bart Van Nynatten, CIO at Agoria, has built a solid experience in digital transformations throughout his career and acquired significant knowledge in data and AI. Motivated to leverage on data and become a more data-driven organization, he aims to position Agoria even more prominently as a leading federation in the technological sector. Keeping Agoria's business objectives in mind, they work towards a more personalized way of communicating and understanding of their members’ interests and towards achieving operational efficiency through data insights.

“With the awareness that a transformation only succeeds when involving every stakeholder in the organization, I sought and found the necessary resources to gain buy-in, both from the executive committee and the operational organization,” says Bart. The challenge lays in creating awareness of the numerous opportunities that data-driven work can bring.

A widely supported vision on data and AI starts with shared awareness and alignment

Agoria had a clear goal in mind: to bring data awareness and generate the necessary leverage around being data-driven company.The desire to mature their data & AI approach would not only provide internal optimization but would also provide a valuable response to the expectations of their members who face similar challenges. Topics such as the added value and implementation of a data strategy and aligning organizational structures were and still are very new to a lot of organizations. Challenges from a human perspective such as introducing a data culture, getting employees to adopt to change, introducing data literacy, and more, are left with a too vague interpretation still.

Agoria decided, in a clean slate manner, to organize a series of Awareness Workshops with Madison.Partners with the clear goal of gathering enough critical input to develop a realistic data and AI vision. Step by step, Agoria and Madison.Partners set sail together and organized a number of workshops; at first sessions with the executive committee and as next step, an extended management team met to conduct the same exercise.Both aimed to transition Agoria towards a more data-driven way of working witha load of awareness.

“By organizing strategic data and AI awareness sessions, I found the buy-in at the highest level for a transformation of Agoria in a way that will entirely optimize our operations.” Bart Van Nynatten, CIO at Agoria

Platform to launch Agoria’s strategic data and AI program

Through Madison.Partners' quick scan assessment of the organization to map out data maturity and Agoria employees' openness and goodwill, both sessions resulted in a shared vision. The unanimity of both the executive committee and management regarding the deployment of data and AI in the organization highlighted their challenges. The tone was set. Ideas and opportunities from the brainstorming sessions were translated into Agoria's business objectives.

“By organizing these strategic data and AI awareness sessions, I found the buy-in at the highest level to position Agoria in a way that will optimize our operations,” says Bart proudly. The innovative solutions resulting from the sessions are encapsulated in a three-year strategic program named 'Digital Horizon - Data & AI,' which is set to roll out soon, offering Agoria numerous possibilities. A more data-driven policy lies ahead. A more member-centric approach and a strengthened positioning as a sustainable example of the sector also looms.

An objective perspective and knowledge, from a strategic angle

"Everything starts with attracting the right expertise," Bart explains. "We needed an objective view of our operations supported by expertise and experience in data and AI in a corporate context. At this early stage of our journey, we would not benefit from a bottom-up project-based approach. Like most organizations do, we need a perspective from a strategic angle. Not only aligning our business objectives with our data initiatives, but most importantly defining a step-by-step plan that suits our organizations’ readiness. Madison.Partners fits perfectly into that picture."

Their approach was also appreciated by Bart and colleagues. "The added value of the workshops was immediately clear from the start. So, we really saw what we could gain", he asserts."The people at Madison.Partners convinced me to first get sufficient buy-in from higher-up. And indeed, that was the way to go for us, considering what strong elements it has yielded for us. Without immediately embarking on a major exercise like a strategic roadmap. We came together in a very hands-on and constructive way to achieve results that we truly grasped and incorporated into our strategic program for the coming years." Agoria will undoubtedly gain in data maturity, something their member companies can only applaud.

"The added value of the workshops was immediately clear from the start. So, we really saw what we could gain", he asserts."The people at Madison.Partners convinced me to first get sufficient buy-in from higher-up.
Bart Van Nynatten, CIO at Agoria

About Agoria

Agoria, the Belgian federation of the technology industry, paves the way for all national technology-inspired companies that develop and market sustainable solutions to realize growth and progress worldwide, representing over 321 000 employees in more than 2000 companies. Agoria's services and positions focus on digitalization, the manufacturing industry of tomorrow, talent management policy and training, market developments, regulation, infrastructure, climate, environment and energy.

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June 5, 2024

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